

Soul Recovery

A Radically Compassionate Healing Process…

12-Step + Spiritual Practice

The history of the Anonymous 12-Step recovery program has been one of inspiring examples of success, combined with a very high rate of failure and recidivism. To be fair, the program was created for a very different time and a very different sensibility. As we expand the application of the 12-Steps beyond substance abuse alone, we must remember that its original and core design was as a spiritual process. This is the subject of Ester Nicholson’s book, Soul Recovery.

In these times, with cross-cultural beliefs and ideas, the challenge and opportunity is finding best practices in word and concept for the world we live in today.

Soul Recovery takes the essence of the 12- Steps and incorporates widely-accepted spiritual practices within a deeply compassionate context:

  • The Loving Release of Outmoded Identifications
  • Taking a Deep Developmental Personal Inventory
  • Acknowledgment of Unhealthy Patterns and “Core Wounds”
  • An Acceptance and Forgiveness for Oneself and Others
  • Amends Outreach Strategies
  • Designing an Ongoing Spiritual Practice for Living In Wholeness

Ester’s Soul Recovery unlocks the patterns of dependence as they show up in substance, food, relationship, behavioral and other areas of life. Through examples and daily practices, Ms Nicholson reveals the keys that saved her life and the spiritual technology that can carry you to your healing, your power and your dreams.

The Soul Recovery process works deeply with life patterns to create a soul-centered awareness that is so profound that dependence and problems are dissolved in the face of it. While the book uses the language of those suffering from dependence, its lessons and practices are applicable to people of all ages, in all walks of life and experience.

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“Rather than an approach based on echoes of inspirational ideas. Ester Nicholson’s extraordinary work is a sharing of personal experiences as she moves from the darkness of futility to a rebirth of new life.

This adventure of Soul Recovery follows a pathway of healing light with twelve keys as spiritual stepping stones. It’s a glorious journey in reshaping the mind for greater oneness with the Holiness within – and as that happens, miracles follow. Highly recommended.”

John Randolph Price – Bestselling author and president of the Quartus Foundation


“In her work, Ester Nicholson captures the power and promise of forgiveness for a community that desperately needs it. She shows how to expand the 12-Step process into a comprehensive spiritual teaching. I strongly recommend this approach for anyone seeking their own Soul Recovery.”

Colin Tipping – author of Radical Forgiveness


“Soul Recovery is a Godsend of compassionate understanding, grit and grace known by one who has victoriously walked the path.”

Michael Bernard Beckwith – Founder of Agape International Spiritual Center



“If you are searching for how to renew your mind and engage your spirit to move beyond white-knuckling being clean and sober, start this work and let it take you down a path to power, wholeness, and rich sustaining life.”

Stan Stokes MS LPC CAC, Founder & president of Bridging the Gaps an Integrative Addictions Treatment Center